Congratulations to Kyle E. for passing his Private Pilot checkride!!
Kyle flew N271VA up to Sanford Regional Airport (KSFM) on the afternoon of September 9th to meet with Designated Pilot Examiner (DPE) John Gary. Once his oral was completed, Kyle and John hopped in the RV-12 to finish the flight portion of his exam. After a flight around Sanford, they landed back at KSFM and then headed inside to fill out all the paperwork. Kyle returned to Portsmouth International Airport (KPSM) as a private pilot!
Earlier this July, Kyle and his father Brian got to fly out to Oshkosh with us in their mooney. Now that Kyle has his private certificate, he plans to continue to fly with us and will be joining the Air Force this coming spring.
Well done, Kyle! Everyone at CHI Aerospace is very proud of you!